
. The bus is more comfortable than taxis.
. The bus is more comfortable than bicucles.
 The airplane is more comportable than buses.
. The airplane is more comfortable than trains.
 The airplane is more comfortable than boats.
 The airplane is more comportable than taxis.
 The airplane is more comfortable than bicycles.
 The train is more comfortable than bicycles.
 The train is more comfortable than boats.
. The train is more comfortable than taxis.
. The boat is more comfortable than buses

Trains are more expensive than buses.
Trains are more expensive than taxis.
Trains are more expensive than bicycles.
Trains are safer than buses.
Trains is the most expensive than bicycles.
Trains is as expensive as taxis.
Trains is as not expensive as airplanes.
Trains is safer than bicycles.
Trains is the safest than boats.
Trains is as safe as buses.
Trains is as not safe as taxis.
Trains is faster than boats.
Trains is the fastest than bicycles.
Trains is as fast as taxis.
Trains is as not fast as airplanes.
Trains is more comfortable than boats.
Trains is the most comfortable than buses
.Taxis are more expensive than buses.
Taxis is as expensive as trains.
Taxis is as not expensive as airplanes.
Taxis is safer than boats.
Taxis is the safest than bicycles.
Taxis is as safe as buses.
Taxis is as not safe as trains.
Taxis is faster than boats.
Taxis is the fastest than bicycles.
Taxis is as fast as buses.
Taxis is as not fast as trains.
Taxis is more comfortable than boats.
Taxis is the most comfortable than buses.
Taxis are more expensive than bicycles.
Taxis are safer than airplanes.
Taxis are safer than bicycles.
Taxis are faster than buses
 Airplanes are more expensive than buses.
Airplanes are faster than buses.
Airplanes are heavier than buses.
Airplanes are heavier than taxis.
Airplanes are heavier than trains.
Airplanes are heavier than bicycles
Airplanes are comfortable than buses.
Airplanes are faster than trains.
Airplanes is as not expensive as trains.
Airplanes is safer than bicycles.
Airplanes is the safest than boats.
Airplanes is as safe as trains.
Airplanes is as not safe as buses.
Airplanes is faster than taxis.
Airplanes is the fastest than buses.
Airplanes is as fast as trains.
Airplanes is as not fast as trains.
Airplanes is more comfortable than boats.
Airplanes is the most comfortable than bicycles.
Airplanes is as comfortable as trains.
Airplanes are faster than boats.
Airplanes are faster than taxis.
Airplanes are faster than bicycles.
Airplanes are more expensive than taxis.
Airplanes are more expensive than bicycles.
Trains are safer than taxis.
Trains are safer than bicycles.
Trains are faster than buses.
Trains are faster than taxis.
Trains are faster than bicycles.
Boats are more expensive than buses.
Boats are more expensive than trains.
Boats are more expensive than taxis.
Boats are more expensive than bicycles.
Boats are safer than airplanes.
Boats are faster than bicycles.
Buses is more expensive than boats.
Buses is the most expensive than bicycles.
Buses is as expensive as trains.
Buses is as not expensive as airplanes.
Buses is safer than bicycles.
Buses is the safest than boats.
Buses is as safe as trains.
Buses is as not safe as airplanes.
Buses is faster than boats.
Buses is the fastest than bicycles.
Buses is as fast as taxis.
Buses is as not fast as airplanes.
Bicycles are slower than buses.
Bicycles are slower than boats.
Bicycles is as expensive as buses.
Bicycles is as not expensive as taxis.
Bicycles is safer than boats.
Bicycles is not the safest than trains.
Bicycles is as safe as buses.
Bicycles is as not safe as airplanes.
Bicycles is not faster than buses.
Bicycles is not the fastest than taxis.
Bicycles is as fast as boats.
Bicycles is as not fast as trains.
Bicycles is not more comfortable than buses.
Bicycles is not the most comfortable than airplanes.
 Bicycles are more little than taxis


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